If there was a coffee on planet earth ripe to give Geisha a run for its money, it's the elegant, rare Wush Wush variety.
Region: Quinchana, Huila
Elevation: 2000 masl
The horses knew the way home and needed little direction from us. We edged slowly higher and higher as we navigated the winding jungle path. After some time the jungle began to recede and the path led into a clearing. Coffee trees appeared on either side and white butterflies continued to lead us on until we stopped out the front of a quaint wooden house. We dismounted and the horses wandered off to graze, they were happy to be home and finally rest. Mauricio took us around to meet his family and explore the farm while lunch was prepared. We saw his trout ponds, which would be providing lunch, and explored the different plots of Wush Wush. After lunch, we rested and took in the view of even higher peaks and the Magdalena river in the valley below. La Foresta is a truly magical place, and so is the coffee that comes from here.
This Dynamic Natural lot was processed by Mauricio, using native microorganisms isolated from La Foresta, to create a unique starter to ferment the coffee cherries. The cherries are then carefully dried using a combination of a dehumidifier and raised African beds, for a period of 58 days.
This particular processing method, along with the natural terroir at the farm give us a very complex natural, full of tropical fruit notes.